2020_band6_dust_selected_sample_faint_readme.txt ------------------------------------------------ VERSION: 2020/09/21 This table contains the properties of the Faint 1.2 mm dust continuum selected sample from the ALMA Spectroscopic Survey of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Large Program. When using information from this table, please cite: - [A20] Aravena et al., 2020, ApJ, in press; https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04284 - [GL20] Gonzalez-Lopez et al. 2020, ApJ, in press; https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.07199 - [B20] Boogaard et al., 2020, ApJ, in press; https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.04348 Magphys quantities are provided with symmetric errors, folding an additional 0.1 dex (following [A20] and [B20]). To be precise, for quantity Q (where Q is Mstar, SFR, etc.), with Q_xx being the xxth percentile: Q = Q_50 dQ = sqrt((0.5 * (Q_84 - Q_16))**2 + 0.1**2) Sources without a counterpart have their values indicated by nan. For more information, please contact Leindert Boogaard [boogaard@strw.leidenuniv.nl] Description of columns ---------------------- ID_1mm Short ASPECS 1mm ID ID_3mm Short ASPECS 3mm ID (blank values are indicated by -1) ID_LONG Long ASPECS 1mm ID (ASPECS-LP-Faint.1mm.CXX; XX=1-26) RA Right Ascension (J2000) DEC Right Ascension (J2000) fnu_1mm 1.2 mm continuum flux [uJy] efnu_1mm 1.2 mm continuum flux [uJy] fnu_3mm 3.0 mm continuum flux [uJy] (when 0.0, efnu_3mm denotes a 5 sigma upper limit) efnu_3mm 3.0 mm continuum flux [uJy] z_best Redshift lgMstar Stellar mass from Magphys [log Msun] dlgMstar Stellar mass error from Magphys [log Msun] lgSFR Star formation rate from Magphys [log Msun yr-1] dlgSFR Star formation rate error from Magphys [log Msun yr-1] lgLdust Infrared Luminosity from Magphys [log Ldust] dlgLdust Infrared Luminosity error from Magphys [log Ldust] lgMmol_SED Molecular gas mass from Magphys assuming a gas-to-dust of 200 (see [A20]) [log Msun] dlgMmol_SED Molecular gas mass error from Magphys assuming a gas-to-dust of 200 (see [A20]) [log Msun] lgMmol_RJ Molecular gas mass from the 1.2 mm dust continuum (see [A20] or [B20]) [log Msun] dlgMmol_RJ Molecular gas mass error from the 1.2 mm dust continuum (see [A20] or [B20]) [log Msun]